Monday, June 10, 2013

One Mr. Wrong to Many

Yesterday at a family gathering a few of us started briefly discussing the state of music and how difficult it has been for some artist to reinvent themselves for today's success. One particular artist that came up was Mary J. Blige. My aunt, who happens to consider herself very hip, mentioned that she loves Mary's song - Mr. Wrong. Then proceeded to quote a few lines from the song. Lorrrrdddd, wait!!! Then I thought to self..."who in here has been with a Mr. Wrong other than myself." Damn, a whole bunch of Mr. Wrongs. The ones I liked, loved, and now can't stand. So, what now?

Now I'm 40 and VERY single. Partially by choice, partially by force. I'm afraid. Yeah, the hard core heart is afraid. I'd be damned if another man comes into my life and makes an attempt to destroy me. I've been damaged and believe me when I say...It won't ever happen again. TRUST!!

I would be wrong to give the impression that this is not, is some ways, my fault. I have figured out that in the past, I didn't know how to pick them so I let them pick me. And boy, have I been picked. And boy oh boy, I'm a good pickin'. Problem is, I seem to be the only one that knows. So the mission will be...Pick 'em Right!

Monday, September 24, 2012

My loves!

Here is why...

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Gone But Not Forgotten

In the course of doing family history research there are always times when you have to step away for a while for history to resurface. When this happens, the effect is mind-blowing. My grandmother's mother, Ida Finley Rivers, died in Beaufort, SC when my grandmother was 13 years old. From that time my grandmother, Rosalie, was raised by her grand aunt Janie Finley. My grandmother lived in Beaufort for many years following and her sister, Juanita, the later half of her life. Somehow, these only children of Ida were never informed of where their mother was buried. My grandmother lived to the age of 94 and had not a clue. Her sister, Juanita, lived to 82 years. She also had no clue. 

A few days ago, I found this picture. It is the headstone of Ida Finley Rivers. Ida Finley is my great grandmother. She is interred at Citizen's Cemetery in Beaufort, SC. Coincidentally enough, my grandmother and grand aunt have been to this cemetery. They both attended the funeral and burial of their childhood friend, Georgia Mae Pigler, who is buried in this same cemetery. To think, Rosalie and Juanita stood in the cemetery where their mother was buried, with no idea that she was there, is chilling. This is why I love family history. With all the stories told and the memories traveling through the voices of the younger, this will never end. Ida Finley will continue to be apart of the conversation. She is not lost. She is "Gone But Not Forgotten".

Thank you to Kay Ogle, a contributor to, for the work you do documenting the headstones in these forgotten cemeteries. Your photo means so much to my family